Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Conservative Liberal?

In many ways to call someone a hard-core liberal is somewhat misleading and perhaps a bit of an oxymoron. For it is not the liberal's wish to throw out all the current laws and benefits of American society. There are, in fact, many rights and privileges which the liberals wish to conserve. For instance, the right of a "good" mother to murder her unborn child and to abuse her obligation, nay, her duty as a human being to bring her child into the world, to nuture and raise the child until adulthood. Many may call me bigoted and more will call me dogmatic, but it is my sad duty to say to all who will listen, that the horrors of murder before birth are not uncommon to our society. Some of you may argue that it is the right of the mother to rid herself of this "parasite" who has invaded her body. To this I say, anyone that believes that murder is wrong and has half a brain to think about this horrible subject for more that sixty seconds, will see that abortion is nothing more than murder to satisfy the mother's selfish desire for her own comfort. To those of you who are offended by this blog, I say, the facts I have presented are true, The danger and immoral hideousness of abortion exists and thrives in the world today. And that, dear reader, is what the liberals wish to conserve!

by Sir Colin

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