Tuesday, May 02, 2006

On Memory, Babies, Writing and Other Stuff

I almost forgot about my dog... I mean my blog. Sorry Gizzardgrit... Dear.... Have I mentioned that my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be? And babies are nice, oh so cuddlely and ( that dastardly four letter word ) - cute! Holding a warm, soft, breathing little bundle is therapeutic. Suddenly I am a grandmother and happy about it! Only problem is, he, my grandson, lives clear across the country.

Maybe I'll get a puppy to hold. I am enchanted with Welsh Corgis...

The other stuff concerns our culture and raising children in it. It used to be more clear cut. Give them lots of love, teach them right from wrong, and send them out into the world, knowing that your teachings will be reinforced by the larger society. They would have to rebel and seek out a fringe group to go to the "dark side". Darkness is overtaking our culture and our children.

Young men used to have to secretly buy and hide pornographic magazines. How easy is it now? Checkout stand at Walmart for soft images. The internet for instant hard core stuff. Easier yet, turn on the TV and watch a few commercials. God help them withstand the temptation! They become so used to the pornographic images flashing all around them that it seems normal. They are confused as to what a woman should be. Modesty? Gone.

Our little girls are more than ever taught by fashion magazines, movies, and TV... to be sex objects for men. This starts very young. Have you looked at little girls' fashions? It's hard to find jeans that reach above the belly button and tops that hang below the waist.

Maybe I'll get a puppy to hold. I am enchanted with Welsh Corgis...

Have I mentioned that my memory's not as sharp as it used to be?

God help us all.


Oh, and writing... well...I'll try to do better. If I remember...

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