Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The 60's

I rolled the waistband of my skirt up one more time before I reached the double doors of the high school I attended. If the skirt was too short, the principal would make you go home and change. Parents wanted modesty to protect their little girls but we just wanted to fit in. We wanted acceptance more than anything. We listened to music and looked at magazines. Most of us didn't really think about what we were doing all that much.

In retrospect, I realize that we were reacting to what was going on in the colleges, among the intelligentsia, who were experimenting with sex and drugs. They were pushing the limits, questioning the norms. The sexual revolution of the 60's has had far reaching consequences.

We can't go back... but we could bend the direction we're going as a society if women could regain their self-respect. Women that dress modestly say,"I am a person worth getting to know. I respect myself and I wouldn't think of letting anyone cross my boundaries."


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