Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Chimps Get New Names

The alpha chimp has cast his vote and the survey is complete. We have two nays, two ayes. and one maybe. I will cast the final vote and say that reason says no, but imagination says yes. Anyways, the chimps will get new names, but I doubt they will appreciate the gesture. Oswald, of course, stays, but Benji becomes Frank, Colin becomes Ralph, Timmons is Jack, Jeeyun becomes Blurp, and Nicholas morphs into Oscar. We all have animals we know and love. I just wish I could get into their minds and see what they think of us.



connor said...

i vote to change the name of the alathea chimp.

connor said...

but, i would like to say that oscar is quite unique... oh, and i think that i cast my vote to say that all posters on your wesandmen comments should say their screen names.

Wesandmen said...

I agree about signing screen names. In this survey I think it was obvious who the posters were, especially the alpha chimp. Wasn't he great? He even had back hair! Oh, and sorry, Aletha stays. hee hee!


Wesandmen said...

On second thought, what would you like your, I mean Aletha's new name to be?.

connor said...

i wanna be named blurp.

i mean, i want my chimp to be named blurp.