Thursday, August 04, 2005

Christmas at Home

Contentment in life is hard to find. I often think, if I just had this or that I would be content. However, once the desired object or experience is achieved, I begin to want something else! Learning to be content with what I have brings peace to my life, but to desire more for the right reasons is a good thing. For instance, my house is a sufficient size for the four of us living here, but when other family members visit, it feels cramped. I would love to have a great big dining room-kitchen that would host extended family for gatherings in the years to come. No family reunions in motel rooms for us. Christmas at home with Grandma and Grandpa is what I envision for my family! Yes, it's a lot of work, but the memories of home and family are wonderful for children and grandchildren.

Christmas tree from


connor said...

i agree... i only see one problem.

you don't have grandchildren yet.

Wesandmen said... could do something about that...

Wesandmen said...

hee,hee...just kidding!

connor said...

wouldn't you rather us wait, and then move back to the midwest so that you don't end up missing out on the monster's (cough) child's life?

Wesandmen said...

No pressure. God knows all our times. I was just dreaming of more space in my house, really.

Wesandmen said...

It's October 25th. What now as-kian? You aren't kidding anymore.
