Thursday, August 25, 2005


I love this cartoon. Our dog, Mac, and our cat, Fuzzbuster, have their identities all mixed up. The cat really thinks he is a dog, while the dog, thinks he is part of the family, a human, I guess. To truly be human, Mac would have to stop rolling in dead animals and get over his claustrophobia in buildings. Fuzzbuster needs to learn to bark more realistically and wag his tail a little faster. On the other hand, we human members of the family would definitely benefit from learning to use logic more effectively. I'm sure. Problem is, see, our emotions tend to get in our way. Once upon a time, (long ago and far away), I thought that the male of the human species was more logical and less emotional than the female. However, after being married for 25 years and raising two sons, I have changed my mind. Men are just as emotional as women. They have conveniently learned to disguise their emotional decisions with faulty logic much like the kind found in this cartoon.


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