Monday, July 11, 2005


Due to the hail, the melons will be late this year. Due to the July heat and lack of rain, the grass and crops are drying up. Drought again in good old Nebraska! Due to listlessness, I am getting nothing accomplished.

The melons need more time. The grass and crops need more water. The ground is dry and so are wesandmen.

What inspires you?

photo from


connor said...

inspiration... is difficult to find now.

I think miss Rascal has it (inspiration). She happily sleeps during the day, and parties at night by scratching our feet and revelling in our reactions.

As for me? inspiration ... i guess must come from accomplishment, but those are few and far between. so. during the in between times? i guess maybe i'll sleep like rascal.

Wesandmen said...

A nice long sleep can refresh, revive, renew. And dreaming...ah dreaming. May your dreams be sweet As-kian.