Friday, July 01, 2005

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

----We are country people. Yes, we are old-fashioned and perhaps out of touch with the rest of our changing society. Still, we have people very dear to us living in the metropolis. We like to venture out of "hobbitville" upon occasion to touch bases with close family and friends. It is exciting and stimulating to see the city and get caught up in the business for a while... But oh, how sweet it is to arrive home to our little cottage, and revisit all the favorite places.
-----Our faithful hound greets us with fervor, adoration, even love! All is now complete in his world because wesandmen are home at last. The birds sing, the cat yeows his displeasure at us having left him alone, the cat yeows his displeasure at us having left him alone, the cat...uh, nevermind. It is wonderful to once more view the trees and the wildlife, but what is most gloriously evident to me is the sky. It is huge. With no skyscrapers to block my view, I can see for miles, endlessly it seems, and I am once again reminded of how awesome is our God. So, as I gaze at His beautiful sky, I feel in touch and at home.

-----I prefer God's creation to man's.

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