Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Only Human

When my college anthropology teacher told the class that man made up God, I was devastated. "Christianity is the highest form of religion to date, but we are evolving past the point of needing religion", he pompously expounded. Naive young woman that I was, I believed my professor. After all, he was much smarter, older, and more educated than I.

A couple of years later, after experiencing the fallout from my godless professors's indoctrination, I met another kind of teacher. The first day of class, my educational psychology professor unapologetically and inoffensively shared his faith in Christ, in a secular university classroom. I greatly admired his courage, caring, and leadership. This man made a difference in the life of a disillusioned and hurting young woman.

Minds are shaped and "expanded" in college. Few 19 and 20 year olds have the life experience and knowledge to closely examine the doctrines put forth by professors who are, with all their "expertise" only human after all.

by Rococo
illustration from the Kansas State Collegian

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