Friday, July 22, 2005

A Single Work of Art

The idea of one's living space as a single work of art is intriguing. It is as though you were walking through a canvas, the difference being that you are making decisions with pieces of furniture, colors, and textures, rather than simply paint. The spaces are real spaces and they are all around you, ready to be manipulated and arranged in a pleasing manner. Empty spaces are as important in a home environment as they are in a painting on canvas. It is not at all necessary to cover spaces on walls. Walls, I've discovered may be left blank, unlike a canvas. An empty wall, with its play of light and shadow as its only decoration, creates a natural feeling of light and space that is peaceful and yet invigorating.

This particular staircase caught my eye, as the curve of the red wood invites one to go up the stairs and enjoy first the blank wall at the top and then other stunning views that are sure to follow.



Canis Ex Machina said...

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "watching paint dry"! You are also absolutely right. But then I generally find that if you look for beauty, it can be found anywhere.

connor said...

this also points to your liking your "ducks in a row.." yes, yes, there is a link there... i know there is!