Thursday, September 01, 2005

Disaster at Home and Help from Germany

We don't have to go to a third world country to find people in extremity of need. They are here in our country, down south, in a place called New Orleans. This city and surrounding areas contain a multitude of poor, sick, homeless, grief-stricken, and fearful people. Now, I have not watched all the news reports or read all the accounts concerning this disaster, but my feeling is that it has been a great leveler in how one views the world. It doesn't matter where you live, whether rich or poor, democratic country or socialist state, tragedy can and does strike.

One thing I have noticed through all this so far, is that help does not seem to be coming from our friends around the world. Maybe I'm wrong about this or maybe the rest of the world figures we are the greatest nation on earth and we can afford to handle this ourselves. Probably there have been expressions of sympathy from countries like Great Britain and Canada, but I haven't heard them yet. The Islamic terrorists are rejoicing, I'm sure. They didn't even have to fly planes into buildings or set off suicide bombs in this death count. There will be expressions of self-righteousness from them, no doubt. (After all, our evil country deserves this punishment from God, right?)

The United States gets so much heat concerning actions in the Middle East, but our country is always represented by volunteers in any disaster that happens in our world. We have a president that does truly care about this country and it's people. He has made mistakes, as would anyone in that office, but he is sincere and honest.

I've also noticed that the vigil being kept at the entrance to Bush's ranch is not such a big news item now. The war protesters would do well to ease up a little in light of the loss of life in our own country. For any of us that are prone to complain about life in the United States, perhaps we should just shut up and find out how to help the survivors of this disaster. President Bush has recommended that everyone give money to the Red Cross. There will be lots of homeless people in need of a helping hand. We should all try to find a way to help, no matter how small. People are people whether they are starving and dying in Africa or the United States of America.

P.S. I just learned that Germany has offered to help the United States with water treatment facilities and mobile shelters. The U.S. helped them rebuild their country after World War II and now they are returning the favor! Maybe other countries will follow their example. Thank you, Germany.

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