Monday, September 26, 2005

My Hero

This devoted individual has put his life on the line literally hundreds of times for me, for our whole family. While I sleep peacefully in my bed, he works hard. He is a humble creature and in the light of day you would never know the peril he endures for my sake. His engaging and friendly manner efficiently hides the seriousness of his occupation. He willingly puts aside the life and death matters of his job to spend time with the family, taking walks and just sitting in companionable silence together.

I really don't know what we would do without him. We live in a dangerous area and need protection on a nightly basis. You see, that is when the marauders come. They come sneaking on our place seeking to kill and rob. Never once do I fear. Our ever vigilant guard is stronger and smarter than the bad guys. Although it costs him his sleep, and sometimes his voice, he never lets a stinkin' coyote on the place. Mac is my Labrador hero.



Wesandmen said...

Bark at the mailman,
Give him the whole load;
I'll have no mailmen driving on my road.

I am the head of ranch security;
Trespassers must have permits by me!
Bow Wow.

Wesandmen said...

How is the old rascal? I was wondering about him the other day. Does he seem depressed? I miss him.

And by the way, shouldn't you credit the lyrics of the song? They aren't even word for word. A paraphrase, especially a half-baked paraphrase must be cited. :D

Wesandmen said...

Uh, the last comment was posted by me--I mean bachmann.