Friday, September 30, 2005

Mom's Radar

My son comes to me.
"Mom, I can't find my calculator!"

I go through all the questions.
"Where have you looked?"
"Did you look in your room? etc...."

"Yes! I looked in all those places!"

I then go to all the places we have talked about.
Lo and behold! I find the missing calculator.
It was in the closet under some papers.

" Mom, I thought I looked there."

This happens repeatedly . No one, even my husband can find anything without my help. And I was the same way when I was a kid. I would look and look, finally ask my mom and she would find it! Moms must have special radar for tracking down missing items. God gives us this gift with the birth of our first child, along with eyes in back of our heads.


1 comment:

Wesandmen said...

Askian, you will know you are closer to delivery time when you begin to feel bumps growing on the back of your head.