Friday, September 02, 2005

The Government"s Responsibilities

How quick the news media is to blame the government in general and President Bush in particular for everything that goes wrong in our country. Katrina was a natural disaster. It is not the government's job to make sure that no natural disasters occur, or even to try to take care of all its citizens. The government is not mother, father, sister, brother, family, or church. It cannot provide for all our needs. The welfare programs have handicapped millions of people, making them utterly dependent on the federal government. The news media's cameras are focused on the individuals complaining the loudest.

The federal government should be responsible for defending our country and enforcing its laws. In times of natural disaster we can expect the government to send troops in to try to keep order, but private citizens and organizations should rally to the aid of the victims. This will make our people stronger as they see that private individuals, families, churches have the power to take care of people. It is not a healthy or safe relationship when the government becomes the sole support of its people. Stop blaming the government and try doing something about helping people through your church, the Red Cross, or in your own home. There will be orphans to adopt and thousands of poor homeless people. The government will not be able to care for them all. In blaming the government for not acting to meet people's needs, are we taking the heat off ourselves?


1 comment:

Bill said...