Monday, September 19, 2005

Hatching Plots

These two mischievious young fellows, full of tall tales and plans for conquering the playground, were a delight (or terror) to behold in action. Boy howdy, could they think of things to do! The worst was having a "mud" fight in the feedlot, with green mud! And then there was the occasion of exploring the river and ignoring Grandpa when he called them to come out. That one got their behinds blistered! They would run happily from playing tractors, to jumping on the tramp, and end up wrestling on the grass. They were fiercely competitive, and best friends. I'm sure in their active young minds they were hunting giant tigers and conquering vast armies, not to mention ridding the world of bullies on the playground.Their visions of greatness didn't matter a bit to us, we just loved their fresh enthusiasm for life.
click on photo to enlarge


connor said...

that is simply priceless...

connor said...

thanks for the laughs