Saturday, October 01, 2005

Young at Heart

My dad was young at heart until the day he died. He had enthusiasm and hope for the future. Mom and Dad were always up for games. The grandkids had a ball with them. I remember a hilarious tickle contest they had when they were in their sixties. They still had that spirit of adventure. They loved to travel and see new sights, try new food, and learn new things about people and places.

I'll never forget a pantomime my dad performed for us while playing charades. It was of his wife putting on pantyhoes. He looked just like her. He had it down to perfection. I know because I would sit in her room sometimes in a conversation while she put on her pantyhoes. Wow! The contortions she went through! ( I will never let anyone see me put on my pantyhose.)

So, how to stay young at heart? Never lose your playfulness. Don't become so burdened down with financial worries or other problems in your world that you cease to laugh. Laughing is therapeutic. My parents playfulness and enthusiasm for life and their family ministered to all of us. My mom, alone now, still loves to play games. She is sadder without my dad, but she is always up for having fun with the family. Her faith in Christ gives her hope for a future that includes my dad.

Anyone have any humorous memories to share?


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