Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Student

As he stood languidly looking out the window, he stroked his beard, his thoughts on many things. His jean-clad, long legs crossed, the student was deeply into his philosophical ideas. He wore wire-framed silver glasses beneath bushy brown eyebrows that were presently formed into a frown. His green eyes, gazing vacantly as his thought processes predominated, suddenly came into sharp focus. "Was that a...yes, it appeared to be a flame in the house across the street." As he watched, the flames grew bigger and his relaxed and thoughtful state of mind flew into action along with his tall, thin body. He ran across the room to the phone where he quickly dialed the fire department. "Come quickly, the fire is growing!" He gave them the address then swiftly ran down the stairs and across the street to the house where the fire was raging. He pounded on the door urgently. The lady of the house answered the door. She saw a young man, with shaggy brown hair, a beard, and wild eyes, gesturing excitedly. " It's a fire! " he shouted and then looked past the lady into her home, clear into the living room where there was a roaring fire... in the... well, fireplace. The lady picked up his excitement and rushed to the fireplace to put out her fire. About that time the fire trucks pulled up with sirens blaring. The fire fighters jumped off the trucks and before the now mortified young student could say anything, began rolling out the hoses. " It's ok, everything's ok. It's uh.. in the fireplace." He casually walked back to his apartment across the street, his fiery countenance contradicting his otherwise calm demeanor.

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