Thursday, October 06, 2005

Endowed or Fit?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Unalienable rights. Endowed by our creator. Shouldn't the unborn person whose heart beats within the womb be allowed to pursue happiness? Who are we to say that a severely handicapped individual cannot be happy? The old and infirm are now at risk because they have outlived their "usefulness".

Our society worships youth, beauty, brains, and money. We are not all endowed by our creator with these things. Still we are all created equal and endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. Are we created in the womb? Do we lose that quality of having been created when we become brain-damaged or old? Our founders believed that these rights were self-evident and that we are endowed with them. Perhaps the problem is that a great many people no longer believe in a creator.

If we no longer believe in a creator, then we either have no rights or we have the right to do anything we want. The more fit we are, the better able we are to secure rights for ourselves. Sound familiar?


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