Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Early Childhood Education

Bulletin boards are the bane of early childhood teachers! They are required to make their rooms bright, exciting, eye-catching, creative, and stimulating! Don't forget stimulating! As if 4 and 5 year olds are not stimulated enough! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but education is such an exciting subject! Just watch Sesame Street and you will learn... you will learn... well... how to jump quickly from one thing to another, I guess, which is something young children do well anyway.

How about selecting one excellent work of art to hang in the classroom as a focal point for the children. The rest of the room would be done in calm, cool colors, soft greens and blues perhaps. Comfortable seating instead of hard, stiff desks and chairs. Carpet, color-coordinated with the walls and furnishings would make it quiet and peaceful. We are trying to calm down hyper-active children here, you see. ADHD is a growing problem in our schools today.

Add to the above, unwavering but kind discipline and excellent, systematic teaching. This recipe would result in happiness and learning for students and teacher alike, in my opinion.

Trust me. I've been there.

1 comment:

Wesandmen said...

In addition to the piece of art, I would add something like a detailed map or other information- rich picture. This gives another object of contemplation for the literal minded.

I agree that the room should not be too visually busy one more item is enough.